Sober living

7 Things That Inevitably Happen to Your Personal Life When You Get Sober

being sober around drinkers

Hopefully, some of your friends will support your decision. In fact, some of them might also be thinking about cutting back on their own alcohol use and be inspired by you. Perhaps you’d appreciate a sober buddy, or someone else staying sober with you when you go out or helping you resist the temptation to drink.

Practice Healthy Living

Once you arm yourself with some strategies to fend off even the most persuasive drinking friends, you may have come to a point where you’re wondering how to meet sober friends. Should you pick up a different hobby or change your attitude? Several cities worldwide are picking up on people’s need to engage in alcohol-free activities and find a community with like-minded individuals. Even if you remain friends with those who drink, it can help to have sober friends as a separate support system.

What Do Sober People Do For Fun? 21 Alcohol-Free Ideas

It’s even harder if your loved ones don’t support your sobriety. Have some sober friends you can invite as your plus-one to a social event like a party or wedding. And stay in touch with your sponsor and call them if you’re feeling anxious or uncomfortable. Whether you feel you may be abusing alcohol, or you consider yourself a social drinker, you may be displaying signs of alcohol abuse such as binge drinking which can lead to more serious issues in the future. As awkward as it may be to have this conversation, leaving this conversation unsaid can potentially put the individual’s health and safety at risk, or lead to a worrisome and unenjoyable night for you. Such a conversation is best conducted well in advance of the gathering, allowing clear expectations to be set for all attendees, and giving you the time to balance different wants and needs that will surely arise.

How to Maintain a Social Life When You’re Quitting Drinking

So with the three-fold trilogy of the holiday season upon us, as many reach for a drink, let’s also remember to reach out to each other, especially those in recovery. Drinking is a holiday tradition for many families, but traditions can also transform and change over time. Many may not know that about one-third of U.S. adults report consuming no alcohol at all in the past year. You may find that in steering the focus of a social gathering or party away from alcohol to try to help a recovering person, that you are catering to more than just the individual in recovery. Our addiction recovery support groups, access to rehab after programs and 12-step meetings, and other treatment options can provide strategies for overcoming addiction or handling triggers and temptations.

Tips to Help You Stay Sober

  • One way to make sober friends is through social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
  • Hear from real people who have struggled with substance misuse.
  • Several smartphone apps offer ways to connect with others who are going through the same things you are.
  • These steps, when done with commitment, can result in sustained sobriety and the potential for you to live a healthy, productive, and substance-free life.
  • No one can wave a magic wand and make you or someone you love sober.

My sadness would still be there, and even harder to process on poor sleep. By the time we saw our waiter again we had finished our meal, and my wave of wanting had passed. If alcohol hadn’t started affecting my sleep, I probably never would have given it up. I didn’t even stop when my husband and I started fertility treatment in 2020. Ordering a cozy whiskey cocktail at my favorite local bar dulled the disappointment of every IVF failure.

being sober around drinkers

Volunteering is a great way to reconnect with your community. Helping others actually boosts our own mental health and feelings of self-worth. Plus, it helps us with our emotional sobriety and wellness. Forming healthy connections with other people is an important of this process. It’s one of the many ways you will relearn how to enjoy life again without alcohol. On the one hand, you have no idea what you’re supposed to do with yourself.

being sober around drinkers

Addiction Treatment Programs

Living and maintaining a home, finding a job, paying bills on time and facing everyday stressors can pose significant challenges for those in recovery. NYC is home to reputable treatment centers specializing in addiction recovery. These centers provide various services, including detoxification, counseling, and outpatient programs tailored to individual needs. Licensed therapists and counselors with being sober around drinkers expertise in addiction recovery offer personalized support. Many professionals in NYC are well-versed in evidence-based therapeutic approaches to help individuals navigate the complexities of sobriety. If you don’t have a family or strong social circle to return to post formal treatment, a personalized plan may include interpersonal therapy, which can help you build a healthy social network.

being sober around drinkers

For instance, if your substance use disorder is diagnosed as mild, an outpatient program might be recommended. Outpatient programs vary widely but typically provide a designated number of hours of treatment per week at a treatment center or facility. For more severe addiction issues, healthcare professionals may suggest inpatient care, which requires you to live onsite at the hospital or facility for the duration of treatment.

Tips for Staying Sober Around Drinkers

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