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Business Management Technology

Business management technology is a broad field that encompasses a broad range of skills ranging from leadership to project coordination and turbo tax small business problem solving. This profession is an integral part of a wide range of businesses that range from manufacturing to retailing to nonprofits and banking. Business managers are responsible for overseeing employees and creating strategic plans. They also oversee the management of technology resources and devise processes that will improve the overall performance of the company.

Many IT leaders are embracing the discipline of Business Management (TBM) to better align their IT function with business goals and results. Business leaders used to rely on IT for efficiency and stability. Today, they want more. They need IT to directly influence their business.

TBM helps meet these needs. It allows the right people to make smarter decisions by providing a clear view into the business-facing aspects of a technology architecture, to help teams prioritize services and measure progress towards goals. It provides a consistent and easy-to-understand definition of cost structures which makes it easy to compare best practice allocation methodologies and to measure against peers. And it ties the resulting results of metric analysis back to the business impacts so that the entire business can see the value in IT’s work.

Deloitte is a unique company in the market. While other providers offer some of these components but Deloitte’s unique approach places us on a completely different level. It’s this holistic view that gives our clients a competitive advantage in terms of speedier, more accurate decision-making process and quantifiable results for their IT investments.

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