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Online Data and Security

Online Data and Security is a layer that protects your personal information from unauthorised access. This includes everything from encryption your data to securing your computer system from cyberattacks. It’s a crucial aspect of modern society and our lives. There’s an incredible amount of data being generated and transmitted as the world economy expands, people take to social media and modern life keeps pace with advancing technology.

Data breaches are common and can cause damage to businesses and individuals. The cost of repairing a breach is $8 million, according to an Ponemon Institute report. The cost of lost trust and brand equity could be higher.

To safeguard data, the first step is to determine it and identify its risk level. This is done go to the website by a process called data discovery and classification. This involves analyzing your data storage facilities and identifying sensitive data, then putting labels on it to identify who has access to it and why.

The third step is to stop data leakage. This is the theft or leakage information, typically due to an insecure connection to the network. Firewalls can be one way to prevent this, however there are free and easy-to-use tools available on the market, such as password managers, VPNs and encrypted storage solutions. It’s important to enforce the use of strong passwords and require multi-factor authentication on all services.

In the end, it’s essential to have redundancy in place for preventing the loss of data caused by natural catastrophes or attacks on local servers. This can be achieved through physical replication to a distant data center cloud, software like Acronis Cyber Protection.

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