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A Paperless Board Meeting Guide

The old adage « less is more » applies to many situations in everything from the length of speeches to use of natural resources and golf strokes. It also applies in the case of the use of paper in board meetings. To become a paperless group requires careful planning and the dedication of everyone. But at the end of the day the outcomes are worth it. The following article, from our friends at BoardEffect offers a few key aspects to be aware of when moving to a paperless board.

Boards face a variety of challenges, including the time required to review and create materials for meetings. A board portal enables directors to access the documents prior to meetings, and access them from any device. They can also sign a digital book of the board, allowing them to sign their unanimous written consent even outside the meeting. This eliminates printing shipping, distribution and other costs.

Another challenge which can be tackled with the help of a board management software is ensuring that the meeting materials are up-to-date. With the help of a board-management app, updates are reflected instantaneously to all users, which makes the process efficient and cuts down on countless resource hours.

As with any new piece of software, it’s crucial to provide board members with adequate training and support. This will help them be familiar with the software’s capabilities and improve their productivity.

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